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Students from Gongju High go on an International Historical Exploration to Countries that were a Part of Baekje

Students from Gongju Information High School and nine other schools visit Japan and China to study history

2019.06.27(목) 09:59:03 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Students and officials from Gongju Information High School and 8 other schools

▲ Students and officials from Gongju Information High School and 8 other schools

Gongju-si is hosting their third annual international historical exploration for high school students. On April 10th, 69 students from Gongju Information High School headed to Japan for three days to explore the history of Japan, a country that had been influenced by Baekje.  

Students visited Todai-ji, where the largest bronze statue of Buddha sits; Horyu-ji, known for their temple wall art by Damjing from Goguryeo; and Osaka Castle, which is one of the three most famous castles in Japan. They also explored Osaka and Kyoto, taking time to feel the history of Baekje, Korea-Japan relations, and the history of Japan.  

The city has been conducting this historical experience for students from the nine high schools in the city to teach proper historical understanding and to expose the students to various international cultural experiences in order to develop them into future global leaders. This year, in particular, will be the first year in which some students will go to China. By November, the remaining eight high schools will have taken part in this historical exploration program.


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