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Seocheon-gun and Mongolia Work Together to Develop Global Leaders

An international education exchange between Seocheon Office of Education and Bayangol, Mongolia

2019.06.27(목) 09:58:04 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Students and chaperones from the 20th school in Bayangol, Mongolia

▲ Students and chaperones from the 20th school in Bayangol, Mongolia

Students from the 20th school in Bayangol, Mongolia visited Seocheon-gun on April 22nd accompanied by their chaperones and the school’s principal in order to take part in a cultural exchange program with students from Hansan Elementary School.

This international educational exchange program was established after a delegation from Seocheon-gun visited the Bayangol Regional Office in Mongolia last January to sign an agreement establishing international exchanges and a sisterhood relationship between Hansan Elementary School and Bayangol’s 20th school.

Bayangol’s 20th school’s students and chaperones stayed in Seocheon-gun until April 25th, exploring the local culture and history, as well as participating in classes at Hansan Elementary School, getting a bona fide Korean cultural and educational experience. 

On the third day of their trip, Hansan Elementary School prepared a welcome ceremony, featuring an orchestra and hand bell performance by fourth grade students, a taekwondo performance by second and third grade students, and dance recital by fifth and sixth grade students. Through taekwondo and gugak (traditional Korean music) classes, students from both countries had the opportunity to become closer to one another.

17 students from Seocheon-gun and 12 students from Hansan Elementary School will visit Bayangol’s 20th school from September 4th to 7th, for four days, to attend classes and to participate in historical and cultural experiences.


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