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Yesan’s Golden Apples are a Hit in Vietnam!

9.4 tonnes exported in March and five in April

2019.06.27(목) 09:52:38 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Yesan golden apples being exported

▲ Yesan golden apples being exported

On April 9th, Yesan-gun announced that they have opened the export of Yesan Golden Apples, a local specialty, to Vietnam. This export signifies the popularity of the apples in Vietnam, as 9.4 tonnes have already been exported under the communal Yesan-gun agricultural brand, Yega Jeongseong, in March and, only a month later in April, five additional tonnes were exported.

This reflects how much Vietnamese consumers love the Yesan Golden Apples for their taste, aroma, sweetness, and crisp texture. The apples exported in March are being sold in supermarkets and on online shopping sites.

Yesan has also been providing the golden apples to the national athletics training center since 2015. The district even supplied 20 tonnes of apples to the Pyeongchang Olympics and Paralympics last year and, additionally, hosted a promotional event at Vinmart in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam last February, working hard to earn global recognition for their products. During the past three years, this produce has been gaining attention in Southeast Asia, Russia, Canada, and elsewhere, exporting 110 tonnes internationally.

A Yesan-gun official explained, “Not only are our apples popular, but our apple juice has been positively received in Vietnam. We are working on receiving a local certification allowing us to export the juice as well. In order to see our apples as an apple that is eaten all across the globe, we will continue to grow high-quality produce and develop apple-based products.”

In Yesan-gun, around 1000 farms produce 29,000 tonnes of apples annually. Thanks to expansive fields, abundant sunlight, and perfect temperatures, the apples produced here are juicy and have an exquisite texture.


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