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Overseas marketing for Baekje cultural heritage “accelerated”

Visited Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Korea and requested cooperation to promote Baekje cultural heritage

2018.07.06(금) 10:32:32 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Acting Chairman Jeong Chan-guk and Mohamed Salim Alharthy, the Omani Ambassador to Korea

▲ Acting Chairman Jeong Chan-guk and Mohamed Salim Alharthy, the Omani Ambassador to Korea 

Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee is accelerating overseas marketing to establish the Baekje Cultural Festival as a “global festival enjoyed by the world."

On the afternoon of April 20 (Fri.), Acting Chairman Jeong Chan-guk and Executive Director Seo Heung-shik of Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee visited Mohamed Salim Alharthy, the Omani Ambassador to Korea, at the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman located in Jongno-gu, Seoul and requested interest in and cooperation for the Baekje Cultural Festival. Following this visit, Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee will accelerate publicity for the festival targeting foreign embassies in Korea.

"Introducing the history and culture of Baekje and Baekje Historic Areas designated as UNESCO World Heritages, the Baekje Cultural Festival is Korea's representative festival of history and culture. It will be held for the 64th time in Gongju-si and Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, the capital of Baekje," said Jeong Chan-guk. He explained, "We suggested various cooperation plans through which we can encourage people from around the world, starting with the people of Oman, a vital part of the Silk Road, to participate in the Baekje Cultural Festival."

"I have been highly interested in Baekje, an ancient kingdom of East Asia, and the Baekje Cultural Festival, a representative festival of history and culture in Korea," said Mohamed Salim Alharthy, the Omani Ambassador. "We will cooperate actively in publicizing the Baekje Cultural Festival as well as Gongju and Buyeo of Chungcheongnam-do to the world, particularly the Middle East, and increasing participation by foreign embassies in Korea."

Mohamed Salim Alharthy, the Omani Ambassador, serves as the leader of the "Diplomatic Corps in Korea" that represents ambassadors of 113 countries stationed in Korea. As much as so, Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee anticipates that his cooperation will be greatly helpful in publicizing the festival abroad.

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