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Open the Peace Prosperity Symbiosis Forum

The Way of Prosperity and Coexistence of Asia’ 2nd Pan Yellow sea forum

2016.12.30(금) 09:40:26 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

2nd Pan Yellow sea Forum Opening Ceremony

▲ 2nd Pan Yellow sea Forum Opening Ceremony


The 2nd Pan Yellow sea forum had opened in the Gongju art center ‘Goma’ by cooperation of Chungnam-do, KAIST Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy and East Asia Foundation. The main theme of the forum is ‘The Way of Prosperity and Coexistence of Asia’. Many experts and great scholars from KORㆍCHNㆍJAP attended the forum and various discussions and conferences were held for the improvement of the Pan Yellow sea area.

In the opening speech, a governor of Chungnam-do An Hee Jung said. “We need to improve this Pan Yellow sea area as Asian version of European dream and it will bring more opportunities and improvements to Chungnam-do. We have to keep this country in peace from the divided system and as Korea is a part of Asia, we will work on to keep peace and security in Asia. It is the only way to lead this country to prosperity. We should get rid of the old-system from 20th century and move forward to the new Asian dream of prosperity and coexistence.”

He also said, “The territory of Chungnam-do is from ancient country, Baekje, which was the kingdom of maritime exchange, and Gongju?Booyeo?Baekje Historical Areas are historical sites that could certainly be a clear evidence of trading among ancient KOR?CHN?JAP. Therefore, it has approved as one of the world heritage sites by UNESCO last year. This forum is the result of our effort to inherit their history of exchange and prosperity around 1400 years ago.”

In addition, “There are still various conflicts that occurred in 20th out there, but we shouldn’t bring the conflicts to the future. KOR?CHN?JAP may overcome the hardships from 20th together and make the Pan Yellow sea area as a sea of Asian dream.  

A cooperative exchange that based on Confucian culture has been discussed in ‘Peace’ session, a raising plan for culture and tourism in the Pan Yellow sea area has been discussed in ‘Prosperity’ session, the air pollution issue that came from China has been discussed in ‘Coexistence’ session. The experts who attended the forum are expected Chungnam-do to lead other local governments in China and Japan for establishing value of the Pan Yellow sea area.


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