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An Art Festival Together with Nature and Culture, The 2nd Gongju International Art Festival

2009.08.19(수) | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

  AnArtFestivalTogetherwithNatureandCultureThe2ndGongjuInternationalArtFestival 1  
The Limip Art Meseum, located in Gongju, Chungnam, held the Second International Art Festival, exhibitiing 80 indoor and outdoor articles produced by 40 artists from 13 countries.

The Festival, designed to open up the world of fine art for everyone to participate together, bocame a culture expriencing site. All the visitors converted the spot into a world of art by enabling them to appreciate contemporary art. As shown in the theme, “The Forest is Built”, they showed an art world harmonizing nature with culture, and provided an opportunity for the recognition of a living spot as both an exhibition space for artistic articles and an ordinary fine arts workshop.

Instead of difficult fine art, they tried to make the festival interesting so that everybody could easily understand the exhibited articles, and enjoy the extra events.

At the festival, they discussed an expansion plan to provide artists with further opportunities to present their works. In addition, they expressed a wish that the regional art world rise to the level of the Seoul art world.


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