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About Chungnam


New era in Naepo : 1st training program for foreign public officials ends in success

2014.01.02(목) 13:47:16 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr; chungnamdo@korea.kr)

1st training program for foreign public officials ends

▲ 1st training program for foreign public officials ends

The ※Korea Heart to Heart (K2H)§ program, through which Korean provinces invite public servants of local governments in foreign nations for training, was successfully completed in Chungnam for 2013.

This year, a total of four public servants from Lang An of Vietnam, Eastern Cape of South Africa and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Jiangsu of China visited Chungnam for the program.

Trainees took Korean culture and sports classes in the institute of lifetime education in Chungnam Provincial Cheongyang College. They also participated in various programs that offer an opportunity to learn local culture, such as the Sudeoksa temple stay, Geumsan Insam Festival, Boryeong Mud Festival and Baekje Cultural Festival.

The K2H program of Chungnam is recognized as a success nationwide, and was covered by the newsletter published by the Governors Association of Korea in 2013.

In a farewell meeting held on September 30, the four trainees expressed their gratitude to the province for its warm hospitality.

Nkosi Sibongile Charity, a participant from South Africa, said, ※This program provided me with a good chance to learn about Korea and Chungnam.§

The K2H program co-organized by the provincial government and the Governors Association of Korea invites public servants of foreign local governments to Korea for six months and provides various training and cultural programs. Chungnam started the program in 2004, aiming at nurturing foreign officials friendly to Chungnam. A total of 33 foreign public servants from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, Ukraine and Argentina took part in the program through 2012.
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